Why did the Court reframe the questions of law and fact before it.

Did the lawyers who appeared in 2022 concede on very crucial questions of law. Why?

The same happened in the Aadhar case, when the crucial issue of right to identity and the likelihood of identity theft was not argued by the lawyers who focused on the right to privacy.

Why did Chidambaram argue that Section 26(2) of the RBI Act had to be read down instead of arguing that the demonetisation notification was ultra vires this provision. Shyam Divan's arguments were completely off the mark.

Are the written pleadings and submissions in the case available?

Did the lawyers throw this case? Like they threw the Aadhar case.

Also is “Every noble cause claims its martyr” an original Supreme Court quotation?

Here is the link to my 2016 post on Demonetisation


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This is such a good read! And that last line.

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This deserves national circulation. We live in a country of sleepwalkers. And the media - both print and electronic - pumps tranquilisers day in and day out so that citizens are reduced to zombies.

Keep up the good work, Shruti.

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Well written,sarcastically

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Brilliant ! Supreme court has been captured by the executive. That is the jist. Rest is very interesting reading.

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Hi Shruti, do you know of cases from other countries where such judicial evasion is addressed or at-least made accountable?

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While the academics debate the constitutional validity and the bemoan the lack of due process, the propaganda machine chugs along, more successful than ever. To everyone academic arguments are made, they are countered with god like reach and distribution of WhatsApp forwards that talk about “containerships” full of fake currency notes at the ports which made demon necessary. The cherry on the cake, the fact that this was supposed to be distributed through a network of individuals of a minority community. I applaud the author and wish more of us have the strength and faith to keep going, wishing for better days. I for one, don’t anything left anymore.

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